Saturday, November 30, 2013

An important day in HISTORY

Well hello everyone!!!!!

I am so excited!!!!! Today I am going to make my first tutorial!!!!!!

I know, I know, today is a very important day in 12 Years and Arizona Tea...

Let's take a moment in silence

Ha ha, sorry I am just so, what's the word? Hmmmmmmmmm...

Oh yeah, Flabbergasted!!!
Well, I am not going to say what the tutorial is about because I want it to be a↓


I bet you didn't see that↑ coming :)

Friday, November 29, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!


Today is black Friday

(Not really)

It has been a long day, and really if u really think about it on thursday (thanksgiving) we are thankful for everything we have, and on friday (black friday) we can't get enough stuff.

That to me is

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

First Sip

Happy early Thanksgiving!
Well, hello there!
It's day 3 of 9 of a lovely, wonderful, awesome, beautiful, delightfully great break. Oh sorry, I got a LITTLE carried away... I'm Sara Scott and I am living the great (not really) pre-teen life!!!!!!!!!! (And yes, pre-teen is technically a real thing)